Thank you so much for sharing this! We hear time and time again that individuals need to see themselves represented in senior members of their fields to feel they have a chance of succeeding down a particular path.

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That was very brave of you, Holden, but also very powerful. Thanks for sharing!

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An amazing article from an amazing person. Thank you for writing,

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Holden thanks for sharing

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Thank you, Holden - I am sharing this post and your multiple editorials. Life is complex. Be well, Vic

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Mr. Thorp

Hello! The translation published on AAAS WeChat Chinese platform translates neurodivergent into neurological abnormality. Other Chinese science media also reposted the incorrect original text. I left them a message but no one listened, I hope you can tell them the correct translation. This article is a great example to the neurodiverse community, and it would be too bad if even the name of neurodiversity was mistranslated.

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Thank you. I am on this journey as well, my path lit by the insightfulness of my children. It is overwhelming to learn about one’s neurodivergence as a 50 year old, but also empowering — to know oneself, to offer self-compassion for my needs and to realize the critical importance of neurodivergent minds and neurodiversity, diversity!, to a thriving and inclusive world. There is so much work to be done in this arena to raise awareness and generate acceptance, versus accommodation. After being introduced to your work by Dr. Eric Topol’s podcast, I am not at all surprised that you would choose to investigate and share your truth, with humility and integrity. Again, thank you so much for sharing.

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Beautifully, sensitively, humbly written. Proud to know you, Holden.

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This is great.

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Thank you Holden. My eldest daughter is high functioning on the spectrum. However the path to diagnosis was rough for the entire family and she (and sometimes her father - who I believe is also on the spectrum) does not acknowledge her diagnosis. She also has severe OCC as well as severe anxiety, both of which are untreated. It was often been heart breaking to watch her struggles in life. She doesn’t seem to understand that a large part of society does not think or behave in the ways that she does. And now that she is an adult are not sympathetic to her behaviors.

In any case all hope it not lost. She has a MA in Math and will be starting a PhD program in the fall at UF. This was not her first choice, or even her 10th but at least she does have a program and is moving forward.

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For someone who is basically an aggressive bully, as near as I can tell, this does not really excuse much.

I went to far more esteemed STEM organizations than the author. And EVERYONE was on the spectrum. And probably much farther out on the spectrum than the author, frankly. And much more productive, as well.

And we did not behave like this character. So...

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